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22:59 < gms> looks like it 22:59 < vinod> 22:58 <@dm> I can't believe I said tummy.
16:05 < dm> lol gj silent 16:05 < silent> Dex: Gj all overing my desk lamp. 16:05 < dm> waT 16:05 < milki> wat 16:05 < gms> kinky 16:06 < dm> LOL 16:06 < keenanp> CPS is going to take infact away from us. :( 16:08 < ccowart> :( 16:16 <@calvin> :( 16:27 < Dex> What that is something I never said 16:27 < Dex> What are you doing to my flawless reputation silent 16:27 < silent> What are you even doing right now - LEFT-HANDED. Flawless, too. 16:27 < jsamwang> what
Cowart: "Oh look, jeffy's finally checking his email...from last Wednseday."
"Eat my cucumber if you love it so much." -terrio
70% of all problems lie between chair and keyboard
< TriviaBot> >>> [Astronomy] How many planets are there in our solar system? < tmmecke> 89 < TriviaBot> <<< tmmecke solved this question
"They're shiny!" -milki referring to Cindy McCain and Michelle Obama after third presidential debate
"milki, what are you trying to steal from the University this time?" -dex
"If you don't get error messages in your cron, you should be worried." --ferlatte
Their toilet paper was also single ply when it should have at least been 3 ply for 3 michelin stars. -achang