#525 + (0) -
13:37:40 07/14/2022

kristine :corgi4: I do feel a little bad about the people who were laid off but crypto is dumb

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#202 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I haven't seen a movie for a long time.... Wait, I saw one yesterday... Oh wait, that was for film class..." -Nikit

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#24 + (0) -
2/8/2010 5:33

21:32 < ^_^> LOL justin forset got carded for an r-rated movie
21:32 < gms> LOL
21:32 < ^_^> JForsett
21:32 < ^_^> At the movies & they checked my I.D. when I asked why they said b/c the movie
is rated R I'm officially growing out my beard this is crazy!

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#446 + (0) -

09:20 <@keenanp> Ugh, Mondays.
09:20 <@keenanp> Ohwait, it's Tuesday.
09:20 <@kristine> Lol

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#360 + (0) -
3/15/2011 23:56

16:50 <%acarlson> i don't necessarily hate them, i just hate that they are for profit businesses and this is a non-profit matter
16:51 <%acarlson> i also don't have an account with either lol
16:51 < dm> I guess traditional web forms is your way for now then.
16:51 <%acarlson> this is actually the best use of social networking i've seen though
16:53 < vinod> o.O
16:53 < crimsonzen> acarlson: are you saying that profit is not greatness in itself? </rand>
16:53 < dm> crimsonzen: <randwacker/>
16:54 <%acarlson> oh god
16:54 < crimsonzen> lol
16:54 < crimsonzen> Ayn Rand Wacker?
16:54 < gms> fuuu
16:55 <%aneesh> ah yes, a pioneer of Objectivism-Oriented Programming

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#238 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Mark: It's OK, we'll just play with ourselves...

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#218 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"So you're like a Leonardo de Vinci..." -crh "No, I don't have a shell on my back... wait a minute..." -dex

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#67 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Facebook is the asian ghetto [of the internet]...." - dchen

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#521 + (0) -
15:36:16 02/10/2022

^_^: i am nothing but creative, petty, and vengeful

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#234 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"My RCC career ends in 20 minutes." -victor "So when do you start programming?" -ccowart "In 21 minutes." -dm

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