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dsmith: "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. I was reading mathematics."
13:11 < perry> random, but c-unit is really a horrible name for a proj 13:11 < perry> was looking at a ticket, and first time i saw it 13:12 < perry> i thought it read as "cunt" rather than c-unit
dchen 13:52 i remember around december, my android phone was like YOU HAVE TO UPDATE NOW OR ULL GET HACKED GOGOGOGOG 13:52 and i don't remember it ever doing that before
17:07 < crimsonzen> i used to do WTF 17:08 < crimsonzen> err tae kwon do 17:08 < crimsonzen> half awake here
11:06 * dm relearns driving. 11:07 <@eleung> dm: are you trying to impress the wimminz? you should do handbrake and j-turns 11:08 < dm> nah, no need to impress wimminz 11:08 < dm> just wanna be a better bmdoosh 11:08 < gms> lol 11:09 <@eleung> all you need to do is follow the car in front of you too closely, not signal when changing lanes, and drive as if you are the most important person in the world 11:09 < dm> what you mean as if.
"I thought you were... coming with me... ?" -Burban
<@stephen_tu> milki: stop failing < ccowart> stephen_tu: that's like telling an alcoholic not to drink
"Apparently there are these programmers who live high up on a mountain peak somewhere and can never be disturbed" - A U4 Resident on his account not getting fixed quickly enough
"She's a vegan. So we'll just cook some chicken for dinner." - A US
01:32 < kberlin> ugh, ethics book: "Bill Gates worked hard to develop Microsoft." 01:32 < kberlin> I really 01:32 < kberlin> REALLY 01:32 < ^_^> kberlin: HAHAHAHA