#248 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Dex: "I can't believe how much crap I've been getting from others about fighting you to a draw." Stephanie: "Aw, I didn't know that you went through all that. I should have thrown the fight."

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#10 + (0) -
23:07:00 12/02/21

jch:pizza:  [11:04 PM]
TMUSK(topic) - time in milliseconds since musk tweeted about `topic`

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#364 + (0) -
4/14/2011 2:05

19:02 <kristine> Fuck

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#256 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

00:01 < ccowart> oh shit 00:01 < eleung> you restarted hal again didnt you

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#370 + (0) -
5/10/2011 4:51

21:55 < npc> This quip will have many upvotes.

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#246 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I'm totally legit." -dex (with a total straight face at Security X-Team)

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#528 + (0) -
10:19:03 09/10/2022

I am grateful nobody had any falls due to the janky setup we were running and look forward to my big deck being completed shortly
Also sent to the channel

Can't wait to see @ccowart's big deck.

you're going to come down with a hard case of big deck envy

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#255 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Have a good.... night." -briandef "Evening." -dex "No, I mean night. I hope you have a terribly sh*tty evening. But I hope you have a good night." -briandef

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#176 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Anne's Kitchen gives you 50 fries, which is just enough. Well, they're in home fry form, but the two are equivalent if you convert them into "potato units" ~dchen

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#345 + (0) -
11/3/2010 5:01

22:00 < kberlin> I am not a pothead

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