#28 + (0) -
3/11/2010 6:49

12:23 < kiyoshi> i think i just missed the garbage truck...
12:23 < milki> you trying to get on?

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#386 + (0) -
9/21/2011 18:34

11:39 <@^_^> wewt cunt is here
11:39 <@^_^> FUUUUU
11:39 <@^_^> cun
11:39 < gms> lolll

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#305 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

13:25 < dchen> "I joined rescomp to meet girls, but all I got was ccowart"

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#353 + (0) -
1/31/2011 16:07

01:03 < milki> tiny ones arent that interesting >.>

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#97 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

I know the career staff isn't cool, but what about the adults? --rohit, on the coolness of staff

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#94 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Is there an actual quote here that *doesn't* involve programmers?" -- taiche

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#438 + (0) -

18:10 <@^_^> does the topic imply that infact or milkibot will turn into skynet?
18:10 <%gms> probably silent
18:10 < silent> Is silent executing.
18:10 <@^_^> quite presumptious if you ask me considering both of them are

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#426 + (0) -
10/25/2012 23:43

16:05 < dm> lol gj silent
16:05 < silent> Dex: Gj all overing my desk lamp.
16:05 < dm> waT
16:05 < milki> wat
16:05 < gms> kinky
16:06 < dm> LOL
16:06 < keenanp> CPS is going to take infact away from us. :(
16:08 < ccowart> :(
16:16 <@calvin> :(
16:27 < Dex> What that is something I never said
16:27 < Dex> What are you doing to my flawless reputation silent
16:27 < silent> What are you even doing right now - LEFT-HANDED. Flawless, too.
16:27 < jsamwang> what

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#228 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I need to introduce you to THE GORILLA" -ccowart

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#132 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"You're backside looks very fatherly." -stephanie to ccowart

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