#137 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

James in humored indignance, "What type of asian do you take me for??" Stephanie, "a half asian"

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#220 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Man why is there so little meat on these bones? Oh wait, they're ribs." -kiyoshi @ outback with new-US-staff

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#234 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"My RCC career ends in 20 minutes." -victor "So when do you start programming?" -ccowart "In 21 minutes." -dm

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#447 + (0) -

(04:05:32 PM) miree: also apartment
(04:05:35 PM) miree: filled with dead bugs
(04:05:39 PM) dm: wat
(04:05:41 PM) dm: sobad
(04:05:43 PM) miree: lots of dead bugs
(04:05:45 PM) miree: from break
(04:05:47 PM) miree: when i was gone
(04:05:50 PM) miree: i'm so grossed out
(04:05:50 PM) dm: well, I guess it's good they're not live
(04:05:53 PM) miree: yeah
(04:05:57 PM) dm: They were all like
(04:05:58 PM) miree: they always die in the same areas
(04:06:00 PM) dm: aww no miree
(04:06:03 PM) dm: no miree to eat on
(04:06:06 PM) dm: /dies
(04:06:08 PM) miree: LOLLLLL
(04:06:14 PM) ***miree gets more grossed out
(04:06:14 PM) miree: ahaha

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#297 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"Maybe we should get him a shirt or something and not a cape. So he doesn't look like a freak." --Anna about giving Dex a sendoff gift

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#139 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Kit: "Are you leaving, Chris?" crh: "Yeah..." Kit: "Cool!"

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#100 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I just can't seem to get it out my system! I keep procmailing it away, but it keeps coming back." ~rohit (in reference to Mailman admin spam)

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#51 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"You know Chris, that sort of thing is grounds for dismissal...from LDAP." --Devin to his brother, when Chris killed his X session

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#322 + (0) -
6/21/2010 20:49

13:43 < ^_^> it's not that bad
13:43 < ^_^> it's like someone throwing a marble at you
13:45 <@dm> at 300fps
13:46 <@dm> think slingshot when you imagine "throwing"
13:47 < pipe> 300FRAMESPERSECOND?
13:47 < pipe> THATS SO GOOD
13:47 < pipe> SOOOO GOOOOOD

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#211 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Dex: "I am never pressing the 'Delete All' button ever again."

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