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James in humored indignance, "What type of asian do you take me for??" Stephanie, "a half asian"
"Man why is there so little meat on these bones? Oh wait, they're ribs." -kiyoshi @ outback with new-US-staff
"My RCC career ends in 20 minutes." -victor "So when do you start programming?" -ccowart "In 21 minutes." -dm
(04:05:32 PM) miree: also apartment (04:05:35 PM) miree: filled with dead bugs (04:05:39 PM) dm: wat (04:05:41 PM) dm: sobad (04:05:43 PM) miree: lots of dead bugs (04:05:45 PM) miree: from break (04:05:47 PM) miree: when i was gone (04:05:50 PM) miree: i'm so grossed out (04:05:50 PM) dm: well, I guess it's good they're not live (04:05:53 PM) miree: yeah (04:05:57 PM) dm: They were all like (04:05:58 PM) miree: they always die in the same areas (04:06:00 PM) dm: aww no miree (04:06:03 PM) dm: no miree to eat on (04:06:06 PM) dm: /dies (04:06:08 PM) miree: LOLLLLL (04:06:14 PM) ***miree gets more grossed out (04:06:14 PM) miree: ahaha
"Maybe we should get him a shirt or something and not a cape. So he doesn't look like a freak." --Anna about giving Dex a sendoff gift
Kit: "Are you leaving, Chris?" crh: "Yeah..." Kit: "Cool!"
"I just can't seem to get it out my system! I keep procmailing it away, but it keeps coming back." ~rohit (in reference to Mailman admin spam)
"You know Chris, that sort of thing is grounds for dismissal...from LDAP." --Devin to his brother, when Chris killed his X session
13:43 < ^_^> it's not that bad 13:43 < ^_^> it's like someone throwing a marble at you 13:45 <@dm> at 300fps 13:46 <@dm> think slingshot when you imagine "throwing" 13:47 < pipe> 300FRAMESPERSECOND? 13:47 < pipe> THATS SO GOOD 13:47 < pipe> SOOOO GOOOOOD
Dex: "I am never pressing the 'Delete All' button ever again."