#24 + (0) -
2/8/2010 5:33

21:32 < ^_^> LOL justin forset got carded for an r-rated movie
21:32 < gms> LOL
21:32 < ^_^> JForsett
21:32 < ^_^> At the movies & they checked my I.D. when I asked why they said b/c the movie
is rated R I'm officially growing out my beard this is crazy!

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#322 + (0) -
6/21/2010 20:49

13:43 < ^_^> it's not that bad
13:43 < ^_^> it's like someone throwing a marble at you
13:45 <@dm> at 300fps
13:46 <@dm> think slingshot when you imagine "throwing"
13:47 < pipe> 300FRAMESPERSECOND?
13:47 < pipe> THATS SO GOOD
13:47 < pipe> SOOOO GOOOOOD

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#487 + (0) -

10:52 <@mht> wtf is wrong with govt
10:52 <@kristine> Politicians
10:52 <@mht> except for arnold
10:52 <@mht> he doesnt lie to me
10:52 <@mht> he tells me he'll be back
10:52 <@mht> and he always comes back

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#324 + (0) -
7/15/2010 20:53

13:49 < meastham> I think the world would be a better place everybody was an
13:49 < meastham> special exceptions may be made for mathematicians
13:49 < kiyoshi> lol
13:50 < ccowart> are you kidding?
13:50 < ccowart> nobody would talk to each other and there would be no progeny
13:50 < meastham> no
13:50 < meastham> eh
13:50 < meastham> kids are overrated
13:50 < jeffy> lol
13:50 < perry> so true, stupid kids
13:50 < ccowart> spoken like an engineer
13:50 < ccowart> again
13:50 < meastham> so annoying
13:51 < meastham> they only reason anybody ever has them is they get to be like 30 and then a fuse blows in their brain and they become baby making zombies

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#276 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"The people you don't see here have been dealt with." -Anna, on people missing in the December Student Supervisors Monthly Meeting

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#444 + (0) -

15:17 <@victor> infact: DP?
15:17 < infact> DP is kinda gross cuz my balls would be rubbing up against some other dude's balls
15:17 <@victor> wow

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#428 + (0) -
10/31/2012 15:44

08:36 < achang> I'm dressed as Toad from Mario
08:36 < achang> but now I need to poop

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#178 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

"I like 19 minute meetings" - Greg, at the end of a meeting. "I can only think of 18 things I like better" - George

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#27 + (0) -
3/11/2010 6:38

17:07 < crimsonzen> i used to do WTF
17:08 < crimsonzen> err tae kwon do
17:08 < crimsonzen> half awake here

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#134 + (0) -
5/27/2010 0:34

Stephanie: "You feign everything." Keenan: "Yes I do. You should see me when I'm in bed."

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